Non-native English writers (ESL)

Write exactly like a native English speaker. ContentFlame helps individuals and companies who wish to write content in English, but tend to struggle due to it being their second language. The app will take the stress out of writing in your non preferred language, while also making you sound like English is your mother tongue.


People who speak English as a second language dred having to write a well written peice of content for a blog. It can take a non-English speaker 10 times longer to write a post of same length compared to a native speaker, and often it is littered with errors, or simply contains odd expressions.


Using ContentFlame allows you to make your writing flow much smoother, meaning it reads more like a professional English writer produced it. It allows you to get words and structure completed in an instant, giving you time to focus on the actual message of the post. It takes the stress out of writing in your non preferred language and everyone will be amazed with your bilingual skills.

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