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Getting a Reader Hooked with Addictive First Paragraphs

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Approx 3 min read. 618 words.

- in Lead Generation

You must check this out. Let go of that stress you've been harbouring. Approach the subject of first paragraphs with confidence. May the following post broaden your horizons when it comes to content conversion. All it takes is 4 sentences.

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What do we mean by first paragraphs

Sometimes we just don’t know where to start when talking about first paragraphs.

If you remove first paragraphs from the content conversion altogether, how does that change the conversation? Those around the globe will have conflicting views.

First paragraphs are the initial words a reader sees. Simple as that. They then base their decision on whether to read the rest solely on those first few impressions.

Be sure to get a full grasp of this before you move on.

First paragraph brainstorm

We are the experts when it comes to first paragraphs. Not everything you read below will be as obvious as you think it is.

Looking at the trends shows you just how critical gaining an understanding of content conversion actually is.

Turn all thoughts off in your mind except those relating to first paragraphs. Roll off a few words that you think of when planning your opening paragraphs.

Catchy introductions are what some like to aim for when beginning a writing piece of content. Describing the who, what, when, where, why is another approach.

Examples include “Are you ready” and “Take a deep breath.”

We will show you the secret to a first paragraph that works in 4 simple sentences.

Be sure to revisit these thoughts about first paragraphs again at the end of this article.

Lie down and consume this warm cup of knowledge. Get yourself going with this guide to writing a first paragraph.

1: Attention Hook

Here is the first major consideration.

Get their attention. This sentence doesn’t need to have anything to do with the topic. It just needs to gather their attention. Think of it like yelling out “Hi” or “Hey” to someone on the street. You want them to look right? Well, start your first paragraph similarly.

Examples include “Are you ready” and “Take a deep breath.”

Now we can tick off our first point. Moving on to number two.

2: Creative Grab

These are very similar to the attention hook. They differ by adding a descriptive sentence that builds on the attention hook. It still may not relate directly to your topic, and is designed to further ambush your reader with the unexpected. Examples include “Tell all your friends you are busy” and “Put your phone on silent”.

And now you are rapidly increasing improving your education on first paragraphs. Let’s move forward.

3: The Promise

The Promise sentence is the first time you will divulge the subject of your content. It will describe the outcome that the reader can expect. An example is “Get yourself up to speed on all things (core subject)”.

And that rounds off this particular point.

4: Empowerment

Flowing on from the promise, is our 4th and last sentence of the first paragraph. This shows the reader the value of reading the article. It appeals to their reward senses. “Be the smartest person in the room the next time (core subject) is discussed.” 

Packing all these four factors into the one place makes it clear to see the power of first paragraphs and content conversion.

It’s evident why there is so much interest stemming from this topic.

Ultimately, you can now think about first paragraphs it in a new light.

What’s next for first paragraphs?

That concludes our post today on first paragraphs.

All this insightful information about first paragraphs should facilitate extensive discussion.

Write down any additional thoughts you have on approaching first paragraphs. It’s highly encouraged that you continue improving your skills in writing these by practising

Use what you’ve learned wisely.

Make sure you do the following. Don’t go anywhere until you’ve dropped us your opinions. Do not forget to check our other articles.

Crafted in 6 mins 23 secs using ContentFlame

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