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4 Quick Effective Ways to Break Up Text in Your Blog Posts

Crafted in 5 mins 53 secs using ContentFlame. Watch how.
Approx 4 min read. 700 words.

- in Creating Content

Take control. Occasionally we must address the topic of text breaks. Let this information around text breaks sink into your brain. Never be the one who knows nothing about blog structures again.

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How to think about text breaks

The levels of interest in text breaks and blog structures are growing by the day. What are you wanting to discover? Those around the globe will have conflicting views.

A text break is an element in online content that is used to stop an endless flow of text. They are used to making content, particularly blog content, more readable to the user by allowing a break in the communication of the text. It also makes a user more likely to read on further.

So bank that interpretation for now.

The benefits of text breaks

All our time spent researching text breaks can be accessed for your use. Soon you will have some of those tricky questions answered.

A quote box is the perfect text breaker for quoting your own text in the post.

So many people have shown interest lately in the area of text breaks. Think through the things you already associate with text breaks. Which exact words do you associate with text breaks?

They take a lot of time to create, such as infographics. Sometimes they can be a distraction to the message of the text. Or maybe they are just flat out irrelevant to the text.

Alas, there is no magic button that allows us to learn that way. Sit back and let the following grow on you.

To the first key point.

1. Use imagery

Focus on the following. Keep in mind that even generic imagery is a form of text breaking.

It can be hard to find contextual images when trying to write about certain topics, particularly for free.

If you think that a general image of a landscape, or person’s face fits with a vague part of your text copy, then go ahead and use it as a text breaker. Bank that first point. Next we’ll add this to our foundation of knowledge about text breaks.

2. Quote boxes

We often think that quote boxes are only used when someone in your text is having their voice relayed in text format.

That being said, a quote box is the perfect text breaker for quoting your own text in the post. If you allow a styled quote box to break up the text, then you will see that visually your content will look more spaced and considered.

Look at me! Another quote box breaking up text!

I thought we needed a break now, actually.

See. You are learning fast. With this behind us, you can move onto the next area.

These are a great way to not only break up your text, but also give your reader an option to view another post.

Often these related links only need to be loosely in context to the post they are linked from. They certainly make a blog post fill fuller, and provide a further opportunity for another one of your posts to be read.

4. Social Media Embeds

Taking some embedded social media posts from Facebook and Twitter are a great method of breaking up text flow in your posts. They also allow you to give community opinion or insights on your topic. As an added bonus, you can even embed your own tweets in the post (if relevant!)

That rounds out another point. Joining all these facets into one make understanding text breaks and blog structures a breeze.

A solid foundation for your own viewpoint is now established. Unsurprisingly, you got the hang of it quickly.

Ready to use more text breaks?

And on that note, we’re done. Any further encounters with text breaks will now appear less intimidating.

Discussing the issue in depth will be easier if you remember these points.

Write down any additional thoughts you have on text breaks. Taking on additional text breaks resources can consolidate your findings. You should feel excited about your pursuit for information.

How bumpy is the road ahead for text breaks? Can’t wait to see it unfold. Drop back in later to see what changed. You’ve done a fine job at obtaining these interesting insights.

And final task. Let us know your thoughts too.

We recommend getting diverse opinions about blog structures by looking for other sources.

Crafted in 5 mins 53 secs using ContentFlame

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